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How to destress at your desk

Written by Cheryne Blom on . Posted in .

In the perfect world we can delicately balance our work-life and rest. We work hard and give ourselves time to refuel, ensuring we are never pouring from an empty cup. We have the energy resources to work hard, be creative and give to our loved ones.

However, deadlines are looming, family needs are demanding and there never seems to be enough time in the day. So how can we bring in essential self-care to our time poor lives?

One of my favourite evidence-based self-care practice is meditation. Specifically, I am referring to deliberate breathing techniques and visualisation exercises. Meditation can be practiced anywhere at any time, and we can reap the benefits of meditation in as little as 7 minutes.

To help you de-stress without leaving your desk here are 5 quick meditation exercises that will refresh your mind, energy and nervous system. As you feel your focus fading and your energy dropping, STOP and practice one of these desk-de-stressors.

  • Body relaxation

Sit back in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands on your lap. Close your eyes.  Bring your awareness to the top of your head and slowly soften and relax your body. Ensure to soften your jaw, relax your shoulders, unclench your hands and soften your stomach. Let go of any tension in your glutes and release any muscle tension in your legs. Feel your breath flow through your relaxed body. Bring your awareness to sensations in your body and maintain your focus as you mindfully and intentionally relax your body.

  • Focused breathing

Bring your awareness to your breath. Imagine your breath is a bubble in your stomach. Feel the depth of your breath from your diaphragm lifting all the way up your body. As you inhale, imagine lifting the bubble up your body, from your stomach to your chest and to your throat and then all the way back down again. Take 6-8 slow breaths tracing the bubble up and down your body.

  • Let go 

As you inhale focus on the word ‘let’ and as you exhale focus on the word ‘go.’ Feel your inhale breath rise up your body and your exhale breath flow down the body. As you exhale on the word “go” soften and relax your body. Release all tension. Let go of thoughts and emotions clouding the present moment!

  • A sacred trip in nature 

Close your eyes and imagine being in nature. Take note of all the details (colours, shapes, textures, smells, sounds and tastes) Activate all your senses and feel the sensations of being in nature in your body. Spend a few minutes creating your own mind movie. Remember, the unconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is imagined. Therefore, creating a somatic visualisation can give your body a mini taste of the genuine experience.

  • Gratitude 

There are numerous studies on the benefits of gratitude. Thinking grateful thoughts have also been attributed to increase sleep quality, lower blood pressure and stable mood. An attitude of gratitude guides you to focus on the blessings in your life. Rather than the ‘stressings’. List at least 3 things you feel most grateful for today. Writing a gratitude list can also be helpful.

For more help de-stressing, join our next one day guided retreat for a day of inner reflection surrounded by nature.

Cheryne Blom
Cheryne is a self-empowerment coach and the author of The Courage to Be You. She is passionate about sharing her tools with you to achieve a life of calm, clarity and confident courage.

Join a one day guided retreat to properly unwind and gain practical tools for managing stress.