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Cultural intelligence

Written by Haran Singham on . Posted in .

Have you ever wondered how some teams perform well while others struggle to collaborate?

Most often it has nothing to do with individual qualifications, IQ or competency. Cultural intelligence plays a great part in unifying teamwork.  It is not just about understanding different cultures. Sometimes we have an unconscious bias because someone may look different. For example, someone with a beard or blond hair might be more relatable to you on an unconscious level.
In today’s globalised economy, cultural intelligence is an essential skill for employees to possess.

 There are various factors that explain why cultural intelligence is important in the workplace.

Globalisation: Most workplaces are multicultural. Not only the employees are from different backgrounds, upbringings and cultures, but also the customers are too. Employees must be able to respect, understand, communicate, and work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Understanding different cultural values, customs, and communication styles can lead to better collaboration and cooperation, ultimately resulting in better business outcomes.

Improved communication: Cultural differences can cause miscommunication and misunderstandings in the workplace. Employees who possess cultural intelligence can bridge the communication gap by adapting their communication style to suit the cultural norms of their colleagues. This can lead to more effective communication and fewer conflicts.

Better decision-making: Cultural intelligence can help employees make more informed decisions when working with people from different cultural backgrounds. Understanding different perspectives and cultural norms can help employees identify and avoid cultural biases and make more objective decisions.

Increased creativity and innovation: When employees from diverse cultural backgrounds collaborate, they bring different perspectives and ideas to the table. This can lead to more innovative solutions and increased creativity.

Enhanced customer service: With businesses catering to customers from diverse backgrounds, cultural intelligence can help employees understand the needs and preferences of their customers. This can lead to better customer service and ultimately, increased customer loyalty.

Cultural intelligence is a crucial skill for employees in today’s globalised economy to feel great respect and belonging. It can lead to better communication, decision-making, creativity, innovation, and customer service. By embracing cultural diversity and developing cultural intelligence, employees can contribute to a more inclusive and successful workplace.

Haran Singham
Haran is a dedicated counsellor and coach with 15+ years of expertise. His mission is to help professionals uncover clarity, joy, and fulfilment, empowering them to lead purposeful lives and unlock their true potential in both personal and professional spheres.

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